Get Outdoors Nevada
Get Outdoors Nevada is dedicated to connecting people of all backgrounds and ages to Nevada's diverse outdoor places through education, service, community engagement and collaboration. They strive to foster and support a community that discovers, experiences and connects to our state's many natural environments, from wild landscapes and recreational areas to urban trails and parks.
Keep Clark County Clean
We all need to do our part to keep Clark County clean. Trash is not just ugly, it damages our community in many ways. Anything that gets dumped in the desert or tossed onto our streets or sidewalks can wind up washed into our flood control network during a storm and end up in Lake Mead. Cardboard boxes, tree branches and other types of improperly discarded trash can clog inlets and cause neighborhood flooding. Clark County spends about $12.1 million annually to clean up graffiti and remove trash and debris from streets, parks, public areas and flood control channels.
Republic Services
Republic Services, Inc. is a leader in the domestic non-hazardous solid waste industry. Through their subsidiaries, they provide non-hazardous solid waste and recycling services for commercial, industrial, municipal and residential customers. Their customers come first as they strive to safely and sustainably provide reliable service through 349 collection operations, 207 transfer stations, 190 active landfills, 91 recycling centers, 7 treatment, recovery and disposal facilities, 11 saltwater disposal wells, and 75 landfill gas and renewable energy projects across 41 states and Puerto Rico.
Bureau of Land Management
The BLM was established in 1946, but its roots go back to the years after America’s independence, when the young nation began acquiring additional lands. At first, these lands were used to encourage homesteading and westward migration. The General Land Office was created in 1812 to support this national goal. Over time, values and attitudes regarding public lands shifted, and President Harry S. Truman, by means of a government reorganization, merged the GLO and another agency, the U.S. Grazing Service, creating the BLM.
National Park Service
The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the oldest federal conservation agency, tracing its lineage back to 1871, and the only agency in the federal government whose primary responsibility is management of fish and wildlife for the American public. The Service helps ensure a healthy environment for people by providing opportunities for Americans to enjoy the outdoors and our shared natural heritage.
Department of Agriculture
The agency’s mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations. Their experts provide technical and financial help to state and local government agencies, businesses, private landowners and work government-to-government with tribes to help protect and manage non-federal forest and associated range and watershed lands.
They augment their work through partnerships with public and private agencies that help us plant trees, improve trails, educate the public, and improve conditions in wildland/urban interfaces and rural areas, just to name a few.